MyDigiSkills helps you to better understand your level of digital skills based on knowledge, skills and attitude in each of the five areas of the European Digital Competence Framework for Citizens, known as DigComp. It should take you around 20 minutes to complete, and you will get a report on your levels of digital skills at the end.
Your level of digital skills
Your gaps and needs in digital skills
Improve your digital skills
This website will ask you to self-assess your digital skills in five areas. When you complete it, the system will give you feedback on your levels of digital skills in those five areas. It is important that you answer honestly and as fully as possible to give the most accurate estimate of your digital capabilities.
Each of the 82 questions require you to answer simple statements with responses such as I have a good understanding of this or I can do it with help for example. Some questions ask you about your skills, some ask about your knowledge and some ask about your attitude to digital technology. You will find it easier to answer some questions than others, but please try to choose option that best describes YOU for each of them.
The MyDigiSkills system has been created under a Creative Commons Licence by ALL DIGITAL from the DigCompSAT project of the Joint Research Council of the European Commission. ALL DIGITAL represents networks of digital competence centres, ICT learning centres, adult education centres and libraries across Europe where children and adults can access the Internet and learn the latest digital skills.
We would expect the test to take you around 20 minutes, but don’t worry if takes you more, or less time. The five sections cover the following areas:
After you select your answer for each question click the Submit button to move you to the next question. At the end you must click the Complete button to receive your results.
All Digital and the partners of MyDigiSkills offer third parties the possibility to use the service with a group of users that they want to prioritize, e.g. the students of a school or a training course, the employees of an organisation and so on.
Interested organizations are asked to register onto MyDigiSkills using this form.
By registering to MyDigiSkills organizations can:
Due to potential technical problems that may arise with the simultaneous use of MyDigiSkills by large numbers of people, the MyDigiSkills staff may negotiate the timing of a test with the proponent to minimize that risk.
Information about MyDigiSkills background and content, the interpretation and use of test results and other aspects can be found in the following Organisation and Tutor Guide.
For technical problems, please write to
For other questions/suggestions:
ALL DIGITAL AISBL, Rue Du Commerce 123, Brussels, 1000, Belgium.
Asociación de Universidades Populares de Extremadura - 2021
Plantilla base Evolo de Innovatik bajo licencia MIT -
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